How does IMPA ACT work?
Under IMPA ACT, all member companies need to work towards compliance with the IMPA ACT Code of Conduct, as well as extend the same requirements to their business relationships. Doing so will give them, in time, what is called "a social licence to operate".
Implementing the requirements of the IMPA ACT Code of Conduct internally and extending its requirements to your business relationships requires a considerable effort.
IMPA ACT helps this by advising a gradual implementation phase split in six steps.
IMPA ACT member companies are advised to begin work towards implementing Responsible Business Conduct standards by first committing internally to meeting the requirements of the IMPA ACT Code. This is done through the publishing of a policy commitment and the beginning of work towards the regular assessment of operational impacts (using the csrCloud online platform run by IMPA ACT partner Global CSR). Going forward, member companies are advised to start informing their business relationships of their new commitment and requirements (step two), then gradually starting to choose suppliers (step three) with whom to work together and exhange knowledge in both companies' journeys to compliance with the IMPA ACT Code of Conduct (steps four and five). Resources and questionnaires are available in the Members' Area for IMPA ACT members, and member companies are encouraged to invite their business relationships to also become members to gain access to the same guidance.
The final step sees the IMPA ACT member company being satisfied with their business relationship's implementation of Responsible Business Conduct standards and advising the IMPA ACT office of this. The business relationship then has the option to request an official evaluation and become officially "Certified". Any IMPA ACT member company can request an official evaluation of their own company's implementation of Responsible Business Conduct standards at any time.
One of the major benefits of the IMPA ACT programme is its community and its public database of companies engaged in work with Responsible Business Conduct standards (whether certified or in-progress). This offers IMPA ACT members the opportunity of only engaging those business relationships that are not already working towards compliance with the IMPA ACT Code of Conduct, thus allowing for a larger number of companies to work with CSR.
At the same time, the public database allows for those companies that have been certified by the IMPA ACT office to have correctly implemented Responsible Business Conduct standards, to be recognised in one easy-to-access place. This gives companies out there who want to deal with responsible business a chance to select it from the IMPA ACT pool.
If your interest is piqued and you would like to read more about the various steps of the IMPA ACT process, as well as see how exactly IMPA ACT supports the journey through tools and resources, please visit the IMPA ACT Guide to Responsible Business Conduct, available in our Resources section.
Thinking of jumping onboard?
IMPA ACT can help your company meet the UN minimum standard for Responsible Business Conduct and manage operational-level impacts in a way that is aligned with international guidance.